Thursday, July 30, 2015

Craft Fair Fundraisers for the Village

Summer Sales!
We attended two craft fairs over the past two Saturdays.  Many handcrafts made by the villagers, emeralds, fossils, and piranha were on sale at our tables.

Lisa, Maryann, and Dianne setting up at South Bristol

The first fair was in South Bristol, Maine, USA.   It was held along with the town's 100 year anniversary celebration.  The morning was a bit cold and rainy, but we still had a good crowd of people visit us.  We passed out many brochures, told people about our project, and made some good contacts.

Fossils and t-shirts

The ammonite fossil and piranha were among the favorites of passersby, both young and old.

Yes, we can accept credit cards!

My uncle Chuck looking at the palo sangre (bloodwood) animal key chains.
Sarah J's photo album from her volunteer experience in the jungle.
The second event was at a combined craft fair and auto show held to benefit the Searsport, Maine, USA fire department.  One of our directors, Lisa, is also a volunteer at the fire station.

Dianne and Andrew manning the tables.
Calculating the prices of emeralds.

We had over $100 in sales, mostly handcrafts.  Thank you to Ben, Dianne, Lisa, Maryann, and Andrew for helping at the events!

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Fundación Amazon Pueblo: Now a Nationally Recognized NGO in Colombia!

Fundación Amazon Pueblo: Ahora, una organización no gubernamental reconocido a nivel nacional en Colombia!

We did it!  We are registered as Fundación Amazon Pueblo in Colombia.  This will help us to work more closely with the Colombian government, businesses, and the people that we serve.  The whole process took about two months, involved a lot of practice writing in Spanish, and much time waiting in lines and offices.  This non-profit status offers benefits for us in the pursuit of our mission.

Lo hicimos! Estamos registrados como Fundación Amazonas Pueblo en Colombia. Esto nos ayudará a trabajar de manera más efectiva con el gobierno colombiano, las empresas y las personas a las que servimos. Todo el proceso duró cerca de dos meses, participan una gran cantidad de práctica de la escritura en el tiempo español, y mucho esperar en líneas y oficinas. Este estado sin fines de lucro ofrece beneficios para nosotros en el cumplimiento de nuestra misión.

Thank you to everyone who worked so hard to help us make this possible!

¡Gracias a todos los que trabajaron tan duro para ayudarnos a hacer esto posible!